Dr. Robert Marouk, M.D.

Bariatric Surgeon

3920 S Alma School Rd Ste 1 Chandler, AZ 85248


Dr. Robert Marouk, MD is a cosmetic, plastic & reconstructive surgery specialist in Chandler, AZ and has over 30 years of experience in the medical field. He graduated from Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1994.



Dr. Robert Marouk, M.D.

Bariatric Surgeon

Dr. Robert Marouk, MD is a cosmetic, plastic & reconstructive surgery specialist in Chandler, AZ and has 30 years experience. They graduated from Oklahoma State University Center For Health Sciences College Of Osteopathic Medicine in 1994 and completed a residency at Northeast Regional Medical Center.They currently practice at Practice. At present, Dr. Marouk received an average rating of 4.7/5 from patients and has been reviewed 40 times. Their office accepts new patients. Dr. Marouk is board certified in Plastic Surgery, Plastic Surgery & Facial Surgery and Plastic Surgery within the Head & Neck.


Private Practice – Group/Partnership

Northeast Regional Medical Center

Residency Hospital, 1999

Graduate Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania

Fellowship Hospital, 1999

Peninsula Hospital Center

Residency Hospital, 1996

Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine

Medical School, 1994

Board Certifications
American Board of Medical Specialties
American Board of Plastic Surgery
American Board of Medical Specialties


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